Monday, November 29, 2010

Church Parking Lot Wisdom

{Scarlett here}

I had the most insightful conversation in the church parking lot yesterday. It was with my new, absolutely wonderful friend who had invited me to Thanksgiving dinner. After we gave each other hugs and said how nice it was to spend Thanksgiving together, she paid me a huge compliment. (I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but this story won't make sense unless I tell you what she said.) She said, "You know, for a young person, you have so much poise. Most people wouldn't come to Thanksgiving dinner at the home of someone they barely know, but you seem like you'd fit in anywhere."

I was a little embarrassed, and told her thank you, then tried to explain that I've been traveling for many years and it's taken a lot of practice with homesickness, loneliness, and figuring out how to make friends quickly before I could get to that point. It doesn't just come naturally.

She nodded. "And I think that's your testimony."

My testimony??

With those words, she made something click. It's NOT just about me and my coping skills, whatever they may be. In the grander scheme of things, those skills, such as they are, are a gift from God.

She continued. "When you have God, you are home anywhere you go. He gives you a little push out into the world, and you can go anywhere and do anything because you're never truly alone. It's a wonderful assurance."

Coming from some people, that might have sounded like yet another shallow bumper sticker cliche. From her, it was anything but. She's right.

I could live in the same small town I grew up in and not be "home" if I'm not able to take into account the One who made me and where I fit into the universe He created. Or, I can go to an almost-stranger's home on Thanksgiving and make friends with everyone there, all because I am confident in myself because I know where and how I belong.

That doesn't mean that fear goes away, or insecurity never creeps in, or doubt never casts a shadow. It just means that there's something bigger beyond that, and a peace that really does pass all understanding that's greater than all the bad.

In this week of giving thanks, I'm so thankful for the wisdom of a new friend, and for her pointing to the One who makes all blessings possible.

1 comment:

  1. I love that, thank you for sharing. You are wise beyond your years!!


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