Friday, December 31, 2010


So this is the new year

And I have no resolutions
For self assigned penance
For problems with easy solutions

"New Year" by Death Cab for Cutie

  Well, isn't that little lyric just a ray of sunshine?  Every year since my post high school pseudo closeted emo stage, this song has played in my mind soundtrack every New Year's Eve.  I love the last two lines.  Think about it.  Almost every cliche resolution doesn't have to be complicated.  They are common struggles with easy solutions.  It's all about perspective.  My problems can be a negative black hole of all things that suck, or I can choose to view my problems as opportunities. that sounds like a Wild and Precious word if there ever was one.

  I have a hidden talent.  I can make things much more complicated than need be.  It's nobodies fault but my own.  Here is my light bulb moment:  I am the one who complicates things.  Therefor, I am the one who can UNcomplicate things!  What a relief of a realization!

  My motto for 1.01.11: 


  I have a jump start on 2011.  Responding to a giant urge to purge all things unnecessary and be as minimal as possible, I have decluttered my house from top to bottom.  I am shocked with the amount of "stuff" I am riding the house of.  "Stuff" that used to stress me, trip me, and even interrupt my sleep.  I'm going to have one helluva garage sale!  With the money earned from selling the things I used to think I had to have, I am going to buy a dining room table.  The table is a response to me growing up.  Yup.  I am 27 years old and have out grown my beloved college era 1950's diners table complete with orange chairs.

  Peaceful.  That is what I am feeling at the moment.  Peace from a clean house.  Peace from knowing that I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination.  Peace from the little baby that just crawled into my lap.  Peace from the future meals I will serve my family around a dining table.  Peace from the knowledge that I am free to K.I.S.S.  

  Happy and Joyful New Year

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